Monday, January 5, 2009

Ahhh… Winter Driving

Oh the joys of winter driving.  But it seems the general public is in need of a refresher course on how to do it properly. 

Note: I saw every one of these rules were violated tonight in just the short distance between me and a local burger joint.

  • When cleaning the snow off of your car, don’t forget to clear the side and back windows.  If you want to drive a vehicle that can only see out the front, buy a tank.
  • Do clean the snow off of your car before leaving home/work.  Windshield wipers do not equal ice scrapers.
  • When cleaning the snow off of your car, don’t forget to clear off the headlights, so that others can see you doing foolish things and get off the road.
  • Do not pull out right in front of a snowplow coming at you at 30 mph with a full load of snow in front of its blade.
  • Do not walk out into the street right in front of a snowplow coming at you at 30mph with a full load of snow in front of its blade.
  • Four wheel drive does not help when trying to slow down, or make it easier to get around corners at high speed.  It is great, however, at sending you off wildly into oncoming traffic when you stomp on the accelerator.
  • The middle of a snowstorm is probably not the best time to try to pull a UHAUL truck into an uphill driveway without making at least a minimal attempt at snow removal from said driveway.
  • Clearing a driveway of snow is much easier before cars have driven over it repeatedly.
  • Even if you have the right of way at an intersection, do not assume that the guy coming from your right or left knows how, or wants to stop.
  • Do leave enough space between you and the car ahead of you, so that if he decides to stop, you at least have a small chance of stopping or going around.  Especially when the car ahead of you is me.
  • Do take your foot off of the accelerator when all of your wheels are spinning and you aren’t going anywhere, unless you are attempting to dig yourself into a trench.
  • When approaching an intersection with a yellow or red stoplight give yourself some extra space to stop, unless you intend to become a target to traffic flowing in the opposite direction.
  • Curbs are not bumpers like you find in a bowling alley.  The intent is to stay away from them.  They are not an excuse to play the game badly.
  • Little pickup trucks aren’t designed to be hooked up to snow plow blades.
  • Just because the left turn lane has more snow in it than the straight-through lanes doesn’t give you the right to stay out of it and confuse everyone by making a turn where and when you shouldn’t.
  • When towing a trailer, do not take right turns at 30 miles per hour.  Your trailer will want to keep going straight, taking you with it, right into that curb.

Thank you for your attention.

1 comment:

Cheryl H said...

Thanks for the reminder of why Florida is the best place to be in January. Loving it! Good luck with the constant snow dumping you are getting this year.

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